    HomeTurkish cuisineEverything about Turkish Raki: Varieties, drinking style & meze accompaniments

    Everything about Turkish Raki: Varieties, drinking style & meze accompaniments - 2024


    The history of raki

    The history of raki is as rich as the drink itself. This anise-based, high-proof drink, often referred to as “lion's milk,” has a long tradition in Turkey. Raki is believed to trace its roots back to the 14th century, when it first entered Turkish culture from Persian influences. Over the centuries, Raki evolved and became an integral part of the Turkish lifestyle. The designation “Lion's milk” could come from the bold and strong nature of the drink, drunk at social gatherings and celebratory occasions. This rich history gives Raki a deep cultural significance that is still felt today.

    1. Early beginnings: Raki's roots can be traced back to the 14th century, when it first entered Turkish culture under Persian influence. At that time it was referred to as “Arak”.
    2. Ottoman Empire: Raki continued to develop in the Ottoman Empire and became an integral part of Turkish cuisine and culture. It was often drunk at court feasts and on special occasions.
    3. Ban in the Turkish Republic: With the founding of the Turkish Republic in 1923 under Ataturk, the consumption of raki in public was temporarily banned in order to promote social order. However, this ban was later lifted.
    4. Standardization: In the 1930s, the production of raki in Turkey was standardized to ensure quality and purity. This led to the introduction of brands and quality controls.
    5. Branding: In the following decades, various raki brands emerged, including Yeni Rakı, Tekirdağ Rakısı and Efe Raki. Each brand has its own loyal following and unique taste.
    6. Modern production: Modern production of raki involves the distillation of grapes or raisins and the addition of anise. Manufacturing processes are strictly regulated in Turkey.
    7. Sociability and culture: Raki is a drink that has a strong influence on Turkish sociability and culture. It is often enjoyed in the company of friends and family, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
    8. Regional variations: Different regions in Turkey have their own preferences and variations of raki, be it in the preparation or the accompanying meze.
    9. Raki festivals: Turkey is home to numerous Raki festivals and events where people come together to enjoy the drink and celebrate its cultural significance.
    10. Tourism and souvenirs: Raki is also a popular souvenir for tourists visiting Turkey. Visitors have the opportunity to purchase high-quality raki in local shops and bazaars.

    The history of raki is rich and deeply rooted in Turkish culture. It reflects the developments, traditions and changes in Turkey over the centuries and remains an important part of the Turkish lifestyle.

    Production of Raki

    Making raki is a fascinating process that requires precision and experience. This clear, anise-based drink is distilled primarily from grapes or raisins and then mixed with anise. The manufacturing process is strictly regulated in Turkey to ensure quality and taste. After distillation, the raki is stored in special wooden barrels to refine its taste. The result is a refreshing drink with a unique aroma that can be enjoyed neat or with water. The combination of high-quality ingredients and traditional production methods makes Turkish Raki an incomparable pleasure.

    1. Ingredient sourcing: The main ingredients for raki are grapes or raisins, water, anise and yeast. The quality of the ingredients affects the taste of the finished drink.
    2. Fermentation: The grapes or raisins are ground and mixed with water to form a mash. Yeast is added to start fermentation. During fermentation the sugar is converted into alcohol.
    3. Distillation: The fermented mash is distilled in a copper still. This creates two fractions: “Alkol,” the high-percentage alcohol, and “Sira,” a liquid with a lower alcohol content.
    4. Mix: The alcohol is mixed with aniseed, which gives the raki its characteristic aniseed taste. The mixture is distilled again to fuse the flavors.
    5. Storage: The distilled raki is stored in wooden barrels to refine and soften its taste. The storage time varies depending on the desired aroma and can be several months to years.
    6. Thinning: Before bottling, the raki is diluted to the desired drinking strength. This is done by adding water, which leads to the formation of the milky “lion’s milk”.
    7. Filling and packaging: The finished raki is bottled and carefully packaged. The bottles often have special labels and caps.
    8. Quality control: The production of Raki is subject to strict quality controls to ensure that the final product meets standards and is safe to drink.
    9. Branding: Different brands of raki have their own recipes and quality standards, resulting in different flavor profiles.
    10. Responsible consumption: The producers and culture emphasize the importance of responsible consumption of raki. People are encouraged to enjoy the drink in moderation and respect their own drinking limits.

    Making raki is a meticulous process that requires craftsmanship and traditional knowledge. The taste and quality of raki can vary depending on the brand and region, making it a diverse and valued drink in Turkish culture.

    Raki and Turkish culture

    Raki is more than just a drink; it is an essential part of Turkish culture and society. This traditional drink represents hospitality, sociability and enjoying life. In Turkey, it is common to drink raki on special occasions such as weddings, birthdays and family gatherings. The ritual of drinking raki is deeply rooted in Turkish society and is often accompanied by traditional songs and dances. It is also a symbol of friendship and brotherhood as sharing a glass of raki creates a special bond between people. When visiting Turkey, be sure to take the opportunity to try raki in the company of locals and experience the warm atmosphere that comes with it.

    Raki glasses and rituals

    Raki is served in special glasses called “balon” or “tek”. These glasses are designed to bring out the flavor of the drink to its best advantage. The raki drinking ritual involves mixing the raki with cold water, which creates a milky, opaline color referred to as "Aslan Sütü" or "lion's milk." This mixing is an important step that mellows the flavor of the raki and improves the drinking experience. While drinking, people usually raise their glasses and shout “Şerefe!”, which means “To our well-being!” This toast is an expression of joy and appreciation and shows the importance of Raki in Turkish culture.

    Accompanying dishes

    Raki is rarely served alone - it is often served with delicious Turkish meze (starters). Meze are a variety of small dishes including olives, cheese, grilled vegetables, hummus and more. These appetizing appetizers are perfect for preparing the palate for the raki experience. Raki is also a popular accompaniment to fish dishes, especially grilled or fried fish, as well as lamb. The variety of flavors in the meze and the harmonious complement of raki make this combination a culinary delight that you should definitely try on your visit to Turkey.

    The right way to enjoy

    The right way to enjoy raki is crucial to experiencing its full flavor and character. Traditionally, raki is served in a special raki glass, which is conical in shape and contains a certain amount of the drink. To achieve the full taste experience, Raki should be enjoyed slowly and carefully. Mixing it with cold water is an important step to reduce the strength of the drink and bring out the anise flavor. The ideal drinking temperature for Raki is between 8 and 12 degrees Celsius. This makes it possible to develop the aromas and experience the perfect enjoyment. Another tip is to drink raki during a relaxed conversation or meal to fully enjoy the conviviality and cultural significance of the drink.

    Regional Variations

    Turkey is a diverse country with different regions, and each region has its own preferences and variations of raki. For example, in the Aegean region, raki is often served with fish, while in the Black Sea region, seafood is preferred. Some regions also have their own unique ways of preparing raki. It's worth exploring the regional differences and discovering the different nuances and flavors of raki in Turkey. From Izmir to Istanbul There are many places where you can experience the diversity of Raki.

    Brands of Turkish Raki

    The world of raki offers a wide range of brands, each with their own qualities and flavor profiles. Some of the most popular raki brands in Turkey are Yeni Rakı, Tekirdağ Rakısı, and Efe Raki, to name a few. Each brand has its own loyal followers and unique characteristics. Some types of raki are even flavored with different herbs and spices to offer special taste experiences. On your raki adventure in Turkey, you should take the opportunity to try different brands and varieties and discover your personal favorite.

    1. Yeni Raki: Yeni Raki is a famous Turkish aniseed liquor known for its intense taste and high quality. The brand has a long tradition and has earned a good reputation among connoisseurs since its inception. Yeni Raki is made from high-quality ingredients and has an anise-like taste with subtle nuances. It is a traditional drink often served at social events and celebrations and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality. Yeni Raki is usually served with appetizers such as olives, cucumbers and cheese. This is the most famous and best-selling variant of Turkish Raki. It is made from brandy and aniseed and has an alcohol content of around 45%.
    2. Boiler Bottom: Kazan Dibi is a Turkish cooking wine brand known for its unique taste. The brand has a long tradition and has earned a good reputation among connoisseurs since its inception. Kazan Dibi is made from premium ingredients and has an anise-like taste and subtle nuances. It is a traditional drink often served at social events and celebrations and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality. Kazan Dibi is usually served with appetizers such as olives, cucumbers and cheese. This is another popular Turkish raki variety made from brandy and fennel. It differs from Yeni Raki in that it has a higher alcohol content of 50%.
    3. Tekirdag Raki: Tekirdag Raki is a Turkish ouzo brand made in the Tekirdag region. The brand is known for its intense flavors and high quality and has earned a good reputation among connoisseurs since its inception. Tekirdag Raki is made from high quality ingredients and has an anise-like taste with subtle nuances. It is a traditional drink often served at social events and celebrations and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality. Tekirdag Raki is usually enjoyed with appetizers such as olives, cucumbers and cheese. This Turkish raki is made from grape spirit and is particularly popular in the Tekirdag region. It has an alcohol content of 40-45%.
    4. Efe Raki: Efe Raki is a Turkish fennel brandy known for its intense flavor and high quality. The brand has a long tradition and has earned a good reputation among connoisseurs since its inception. Efe Raki is made from high-quality ingredients and has an anise-like taste with subtle nuances. It is a traditional drink often served at social events and celebrations and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality. Efe Raki is usually enjoyed with appetizers such as olives, cucumbers and cheese.
    5. Hey Icki Raki: Mey Icki Raki is a Turkish aniseed brandy known for its intense taste and high quality. The brand has a long tradition and has earned a good reputation among connoisseurs since its inception. Mey Icki Raki is made from high-quality ingredients and has an anise-like taste with subtle nuances. It is a traditional drink often served at social events and celebrations and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality. Mey Icki Raki is usually served with appetizers such as olives, cucumbers and cheese.
    6. Pusula Raki: Pusula Raki is a Turkish aniseed liqueur brand known for its rich flavor and high quality. The brand has a long tradition and has earned a good reputation among connoisseurs since its inception. Pusula Raki is made from high-quality ingredients and has an anise-like taste and subtle nuances. It is a traditional drink often served at social events and celebrations and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality. Pusula Raki is usually enjoyed with appetizers such as olives, cucumbers and cheese.
    7. Erenler Raki: Erenler Raki is a Turkish aniseed brandy known for its intense taste and high quality. The brand has a long tradition and has earned a good reputation among connoisseurs since its inception. Erenler Raki is made from high-quality ingredients and has an anise-like taste with subtle nuances. It is a traditional drink often served at social events and celebrations and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality. Erenler Raki is usually enjoyed with appetizers such as olives, cucumbers and cheese.
    8. Adana Raki: Adana Raki is a major Turkish aniseed liquor brand that comes from the Adana region. The brand is known for its intense flavor and high quality and has earned a good reputation among connoisseurs. Adana Raki is made from high-quality ingredients and has an anise-like taste with subtle nuances. It is a traditional drink often served at social events and celebrations and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality. Adana Raki is usually enjoyed with appetizers such as olives, cucumbers and cheese.
    9. Serapis Raki: Serapis Raki is a Turkish aniseed liquor brand known for its high quality and rich taste. The brand has a long history and tradition and has earned a solid reputation among connoisseurs since its inception. Serapis Raki is made from high quality ingredients and has an anise-like taste with subtle nuances. It is a traditional drink often served at social events and celebrations and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality. Serapis Raki is usually enjoyed with appetizers such as olives, cucumbers and cheese.
    10. Aslan Raki: Aslan Raki is a Turkish aniseed liquor brand known for its high quality and rich taste. The brand was founded in Istanbul and has since gained a good reputation among connoisseurs. Aslan Raki is made from high-quality ingredients and offers an anise-like taste with subtle nuances. It is a traditional drink often drunk at social events and celebrations and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality. Aslan Raki is often served and enjoyed with meze dishes such as olives, cucumbers and cheese.
    11. Hayat Raki: Hayat Raki is a Turkish cooking wine brand known for its high quality and rich taste. The brand was founded in Istanbul and has since gained an excellent reputation among connoisseurs. Hayat Raki is made from high-quality ingredients and has an anise-like taste with subtle nuances. It is a traditional drink often served at social events and celebrations and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality. Hayat Raki is usually enjoyed with appetizers such as olives, cucumbers and cheese.
    12. Beylerbeyi Rakı: Beylerbeyi Raki is a Turkish aniseed wine brand known for its high-quality aniseed drinks. The brand is particularly popular in and around Istanbul and enjoys an excellent reputation among connoisseurs. Made from high quality ingredients, Beylerbeyi Raki is a traditional drink often enjoyed with friends and family. It is often served with appetizers such as olives, pickles and cheese and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality.
    13. Sari Zeybek Raki: Sari Zeybek is a Turkish raki brand known for its high-quality aniseed drinks. The brand was in Izmir was founded and has since built up a solid reputation among connoisseurs. Sari Zeybek Raki is made from quality ingredients and has a strong anise flavor. It is a traditional drink, often served at social occasions and celebrations, and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality. Sari Zeybek Raki is usually enjoyed with appetizers such as olives, pickles and cheese.
    14. Burgaz Rakı: Burgaz Raki is another famous Turkish aniseed liquor brand known for its unique taste and high quality. The brand has a long history and is very popular among Turkish consumers. Burgaz Raki is made from high-quality ingredients and has an anise-like taste with subtle nuances. It is a traditional drink often served at social events and celebrations and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality. Burgaz Raki is usually enjoyed with appetizers such as olives, cucumbers and cheese.
    15. Yakamoz Raki: Yakamoz Raki is another famous Turkish aniseed liquor brand known for its unique taste and high quality. The brand has a long history and is very popular among Turkish consumers. Yakamoz Raki is made from high-quality ingredients and has an anise-like taste with subtle nuances. It is a traditional drink often served at social events and celebrations and is an important part of Turkish culture and hospitality. Yakamoz Raki is usually enjoyed with appetizers such as olives, cucumbers and cheese.

    Varieties of Turkish Raki

    • Lokum Raki: Also known as “Turkish Delight Raki,” this variety is made from delicious Turkish Lokum (marzipan-flavored candy cubes).
    • Double Anise Raki: Another popular variety, made with pure grape spirit and twice as much anise as Yeni Raki.
    • Peach Raki: A popular variation of Turkish Raki with a delicious peach flavor.
    • Cherry Raki: This cherry-flavored variety is a fruity alternative to the more traditional raki varieties.
    • Apple raki: Another fruity variant with a delicious apple taste.
    • Cinnamon Raki: A variety with a delicious cinnamon flavor that's often served as a winter drink.
    • Walnut Raki: A rare variety with a delicious nutty taste.
    • Grapefruit Raki: A strain with a delicious grapefruit flavor that is popular as a summer drink.
    • Orange Raki: Another fruity variety with a delicious orange flavor.

    Raki festivals and events

    Turkey is home to numerous Raki festivals and events that celebrate the cultural significance of this drink. These festivals are often accompanied by music, dancing and delicious food. A famous raki festival is the “Raki Balıkesir Festivali” in Balıkesir, where visitors have the opportunity to taste different brands of raki and take part in traditional dances. It is a great way to experience the lively atmosphere and conviviality associated with Raki in Turkey. If you are in Turkey during one of these festivals, you definitely shouldn't miss it.

    Raki as a souvenir

    Raki is not only a drink but also a popular souvenir for tourists visiting Turkey. Many travelers purchase bottles of Turkish Raki to take home as gifts for friends and family. It's a great way to take a piece of Turkish culture home with you and preserve the memories of your trip. If you want to buy high-quality raki as a souvenir, you should check local shops or bazaars where you can find a variety of brands and bottle sizes.

    Responsible consumption

    It is important to emphasize responsible consumption of raki. Although raki is a delicious and traditional drink, it should be enjoyed in moderation. Excessive alcohol consumption can pose health risks and impair your ability to drive. Therefore, it is important to drink responsibly and watch your limits. When enjoying raki, do so in the company of friends and be sure to drink enough water to ensure hydration.

    Turkish Raki and its Health Benefits

    Here are some possible health benefits of Turkish Raki:

    1. Promotes digestion: Moderate consumption of raki after a meal can help promote digestion. In Turkey, raki is often served as a digestive liquor to relieve discomfort after eating.
    2. Antioxidant properties: Anise, one of the main ingredients in raki, contains antioxidants that can help fight free radicals in the body. This can help reduce cell damage.
    3. Relaxation and Stress Relief: A glass of raki in the company of friends can have a relaxing effect and reduce stress. This can help improve mood and reduce social stress.
    4. Cardiovascular health: Moderate consumption of alcohol, including raki, has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. However, it is important to note that excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of heart problems.
    5. Life quality: For some people, enjoying raki occasionally can be a part of their social and cultural activities, helping to improve their quality of life.

    However, it is of utmost importance to keep alcohol consumption in moderation. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to serious health problems, including addiction, liver damage and other health complications. If you enjoy raki or other alcoholic beverages, do so responsibly and know your own limits. It is advisable to seek medical advice before consuming alcohol, especially if you have any health concerns or are taking medication.

    Meze - The perfect complement to Turkish Raki

    Here are some popular meze varieties that go wonderfully with raki:

    1. Sarımsaklı Yoğurtlu Patlıcan Ezmesi (Eggplant Puree with Garlic Yogurt): This creamy and flavorful eggplant puree is often served with garlic yogurt and olive oil. It is a refreshing yet hearty companion to Raki.
    2. Zeytinyağlı Enginar (artichokes in olive oil): Artichoke hearts, cooked and marinated in olive oil, are a delicate meze specialty. They have a delicate taste and go well with raki.
    3. Cacık (cucumber salad with yogurt and garlic): This refreshing cucumber salad with yogurt, garlic and fresh herbs is an excellent contrast to the intense aniseed flavor of raki.
    4. Deniz Börülcesi (Salicornia salad): Salicornia, also known as sea beans or samphire, is popular in Turkish cuisine. This crisp salad variant is often served with olive oil, lemon and garlic and goes perfectly with raki.
    5. Haydari: Haydari is a dip made from yogurt, garlic, fresh herbs and spices. It is creamy and aromatic and is often served with pita bread, perfect for dipping while drinking raki.
    6. Zeytinyağlı Barbunya (Red Beans in Olive Oil): Red beans cooked and marinated in olive oil are another delicious meze variant. They have a delicate texture and rich taste.
    7. Sigara borek: These small rolls of dough are filled with spicy filling, often cheese or minced meat. They are crunchy and savory and a great complement to raki.
    8. Soslu Patlıcan (eggplant in tomato sauce): This dish consists of eggplant braised in tomato sauce and is a hearty choice for raki lovers.
    9. Muhammad: This spicy pepper and nut dip is a tasty option for those who prefer something spicy with their raki.
    10. Deniz Mahsulleri Salatası (Seafood Salad): If you love seafood, this seafood salad with olive oil, lemon and fresh herbs is an excellent choice as a meze to accompany raki.

    Offering a wide range of flavor experiences, from spicy to refreshing, mezes can really enhance the flavors and enjoyment of Turkish raki. Simply choose your favorites and enjoy them in the company of friends and family during a relaxed Raki evening.

    Turkish Raki Traditions - Why It's More Than Just A Drink

    The Turkish Raki tradition is deeply rooted in Turkish culture and goes far beyond simply drinking an alcoholic beverage. Here are some reasons why Turkish Raki is more than just a drink:

    1. socializing: Raki is a drink that brings people together in Turkey. It is often enjoyed in the company of friends and family, creating a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. Sharing raki glasses is a symbol of connection and social interaction.
    2. Cultural Significance: Raki has a long history in Turkish culture and is an important part of Turkish identity. It is often drunk during traditional festivals and celebrations and symbolizes the joy of life.
    3. Raki rituals: Drinking raki is accompanied by special rituals, such as mixing it with water to create the milky “lion's milk” and raising glasses for a toast. These rituals have deep symbolic meaning and help strengthen relationships.
    4. Accompanying mezes: Raki is rarely drunk alone. It is often served with a variety of meze, the traditional appetizers. The selection of meze varies by region, but they are always a delicious complement to the raki and contribute to a complete dining experience.
    5. Music and dance: Many Raki evenings also include live music and dancing. Traditional Turkish songs and dances are often performed by guests, adding to the cheerful atmosphere and strengthening the community.
    6. Responsible consumption: Despite the social nature of raki drinking, Turkish culture emphasizes responsible consumption. People know how important it is to enjoy the drink in moderation and respect your own boundaries.
    7. Honor and respect: Raki is a drink that is often consumed in Turkey on special occasions and important meetings. It is seen as a sign of honor and respect towards the guests or hosts.
    8. Rich History: The history of raki goes back to the 14th century and is closely linked to the cultural diversity and history of Turkey. This rich history is reflected in the customs and traditions surrounding the drink.

    Overall, Turkish Raki is more than just a drink; it is an integral part of Turkish culture and way of life, strengthening social bonds and promoting a sense of community.


    In summary, raki is a fascinating and versatile drink that is closely linked to Turkish culture and tradition. Here are some key points that summarize the bottom line on Raki:

    1. Cultural Significance: Raki has a long history in Turkey and is an important part of Turkish culture. It symbolizes sociability, friendship and the joy of life.
    2. Raki rituals: Drinking raki is accompanied by special rituals, such as mixing it with water, raising glasses for a toast and enjoying meze. These rituals have deep symbolic meaning.
    3. socializing: Raki is often enjoyed in the company of friends and family, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. It promotes social bonds and a sense of community.
    4. Culinary addition: Raki is rarely drunk alone, but is often served with a variety of meze. These appetizers contribute to a complete dining experience.
    5. Responsible consumption: Despite its social nature, Turkish culture emphasizes responsible consumption of raki. People know how important it is to enjoy the drink in moderation.
    6. Honor and respect: Often drunk on special occasions and important meetings, Raki symbolizes honor and respect.
    7. Rich History: The history of raki goes back a long way and is closely linked to the cultural diversity and history of Turkey. This rich history is reflected in the customs and traditions surrounding the drink.

    Overall, Turkish Raki is more than just an alcoholic drink; it is a vibrant element of Turkish culture that strengthens social connections, promotes community and celebrates the joys of life. If you have the opportunity to try Raki in Turkey, you will surely appreciate the cultural depth and convivial nature of this unique drink.

    These 10 travel gadgets should not be missing on your next trip to Türkiye

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    • EASY TO TRAVEL - Equipped with a...
    • 3 TOWEL SET - With one purchase you will receive a ...

    * Last updated on 23.04.2024/13/15 at XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. / affiliate links / images and article texts from the Amazon Product Advertising API. The price shown may have increased since the last update. The actual price of the product on the seller's website at the time of purchase is decisive for the sale. It is technically not possible to update the above prices in real time. The links marked with an asterisk (*) are so-called Amazon provision links. If you click on such a link and make a purchase through this link, I will receive a commission from your purchase. The price does not change for you.

    8. Always well prepared: The first aid kit bag just in case!

    Nobody wants to get sick on vacation. That's why it's important to be well prepared. A first-aid kit with the most important medications should therefore not be missing from any suitcase. A first aid kit bag ensures that everything is safely stowed away and is always within easy reach. These bags come in different sizes depending on how many medications you want to take with you.

    PILLBASE Mini-Travel first aid kit - Small...*
    • ✨ PRACTICAL - A true space saver! The mini...
    • 👝 MATERIAL - The pocket pharmacy is made of...
    • 💊 VERSATILE - Our emergency bag offers...
    • 📚 SPECIAL - To use the existing storage space...
    • 👍 PERFECT - The well thought-out space layout,...

    * Last updated on 23.04.2024/13/15 at XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. / affiliate links / images and article texts from the Amazon Product Advertising API. The price shown may have increased since the last update. The actual price of the product on the seller's website at the time of purchase is decisive for the sale. It is technically not possible to update the above prices in real time. The links marked with an asterisk (*) are so-called Amazon provision links. If you click on such a link and make a purchase through this link, I will receive a commission from your purchase. The price does not change for you.

    9. The ideal travel suitcase for unforgettable adventures on the go!

    A perfect travel suitcase is more than just a container for your things - it is your faithful companion on all your adventures. It should not only be robust and hard-wearing, but also practical and functional. With plenty of storage space and clever organization options, it helps you keep everything organized, whether you're heading into the city for a weekend or on a long vacation to the other side of the world.

    BEIBYE hard case, trolley, trolley case, travel case ... *
    • MATERIAL made of ABS plastic: The rather light ABS...
    • CONVENIENCE: 4 spinner wheels (360° rotatable): ...
    • WEARING COMFORT: A step-adjustable...
    • HIGH-QUALITY COMBINATION LOCK: with adjustable ...
    • MATERIAL made of ABS plastic: The rather light ABS...

    * Last updated on 23.04.2024/13/20 at XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. / affiliate links / images and article texts from the Amazon Product Advertising API. The price shown may have increased since the last update. The actual price of the product on the seller's website at the time of purchase is decisive for the sale. It is technically not possible to update the above prices in real time. The links marked with an asterisk (*) are so-called Amazon provision links. If you click on such a link and make a purchase through this link, I will receive a commission from your purchase. The price does not change for you.

    10. The ideal smartphone tripod: Perfect for solo travelers!

    A smartphone tripod is the perfect companion for solo travelers who want to take photos and videos of themselves without having to constantly ask for someone else. With a sturdy tripod, you can safely place your smartphone and take photos or videos from different angles to capture unforgettable moments.

    Selfie Stick Tripod, 360° rotation 4 in 1 selfie stick with...*
    • ✅【Adjustable holder and 360° rotating...
    • ✅【Removable remote control】: Slide ...
    • ✅【Super light and practical to take with you】: ...
    • ✅【Widely compatible selfie stick for ...
    • ✅【Easy to use and universal...

    * Last updated on 23.04.2024/13/20 at XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. / affiliate links / images and article texts from the Amazon Product Advertising API. The price shown may have increased since the last update. The actual price of the product on the seller's website at the time of purchase is decisive for the sale. It is technically not possible to update the above prices in real time. The links marked with an asterisk (*) are so-called Amazon provision links. If you click on such a link and make a purchase through this link, I will receive a commission from your purchase. The price does not change for you.

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