    HomeMedical treatmentsBreast augmentation in Turkey: what you need to know

    Breast augmentation in Turkey: what you need to know - 2024


    Breast augmentation is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the world and is also popular in Turkey. Many women choose breast augmentation for a variety of reasons, from aesthetic reasons to medical concerns such as uneven breast size.

    There are various clinics and doctors who perform breast enlargement operations in Turkey. However, it is important to be careful when choosing a clinic or doctor and do thorough research to ensure you are in the hands of experienced and qualified professionals.

    Choosing a clinic or doctor for breast augmentation

    An important factor when choosing a clinic or doctor is experience. It's important to look for a professional who has had multiple breast augmentation surgeries and has the knowledge and skills needed to successfully complete the procedure. It is also advisable to look at before and after photos from the treating doctor or clinic to get a better idea of ​​what to expect.

    cost and quality of care

    The cost of breast enlargement in Turkey varies depending on the clinic and doctor. It is important to determine the costs in advance and ensure that all associated costs such as surgery, anesthesia, medical care and follow-up care are covered. It is also important to note that some clinics may offer lower prices but may not provide the same quality of care as more expensive clinics.

    The choice of implants

    Another important aspect when planning breast augmentation is the type of implant to be used. There are different types of implants, including saline and silicone implants, and it is important to understand the pros and cons of each option to make the best choice for yourself. It is also important to ensure that the implants used are of high quality and come from a trustworthy manufacturer.

    risks and complications

    It's also important to realize that any surgical procedure carries risks and potential complications. It is important to understand all of the risks and side effects associated with breast augmentation and to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to ensure a successful recovery.

    Overall, breast augmentation surgery in Turkey is a popular choice for women looking to transform their bodies. However, it is important to do your research thoroughly and ensure that you are in the hands of experienced and qualified professionals. It's also important to clarify all costs up front and make sure you choose a quality implant and understand the potential risks and complications.

    Well-known clinics and doctors who perform breast augmentation

    For women who decide to undergo breast enlargement in Turkey, there are many reputable clinics and experienced doctors who can perform the procedure. Some of the reputed clinics and doctors performing breast enlargement surgery in Turkey are listed below:

    1. Memorial Healthcare Group: Memorial Healthcare is one of Turkey's leading medical institutions with a wide range of facilities including clinics, hospitals and medical centers. Memorial Healthcare's team consists of experienced professionals who specialize in breast augmentation surgery.
    2. Turkeyana Clinic: The Turkeyana Clinic in Istanbul is one of the leading clinics for breast augmentation surgery.
    3. Acıbadem Healthcare Group: Acıbadem is one of the well-known healthcare organizations in Turkey with several clinics across the country. The group employs a variety of professionals specializing in breast augmentation surgeries.
    4. Anadolu Medical Center: Anadolu Medical Center is one of the largest and most famous medical institutions in Turkey. The center employs experienced professionals specializing in various procedures, including breast augmentation.

    It should be emphasized that this is only a small selection of the many clinics and doctors who perform breast augmentation in Turkey. It is advisable to do thorough research and choose an experienced professional who has the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully complete the procedure.

    Types of breast augmentation surgeries

    Plastic surgeons can perform different types of breast augmentation procedures. The most commonly performed procedures are implants or fat grafting.

    • Implant use: Implant use is the traditional breast augmentation method in which silicone or saline implants are inserted through incisions in the breast crease, nipple, or armpit. Silicone implants consist of a silicone shell and a silicone or silicone saline solution, while saline implants are filled with sterile saline. Surgeons select implants based on factors such as breast size, body type, and personal preference.
    • Fat grafting: In fat grafting, fat is removed from another part of the body, usually the abdomen, buttocks, or thighs, and injected into the breasts. It is a good option for women who want a small breast augmentation and also have excess body fat elsewhere.
    • Combination procedures: Some plastic surgeons also use combination surgery, combining implants and fat grafts. This allows for a greater degree of customization to the patient's specific needs and desires.

    It is important to note that each program has its own pros and cons, and it is important to choose the program that best suits individual needs and desires. It's also important to get a full consultation from an experienced plastic surgeon to discuss all the options available and make an informed decision.

    What happens with a breast augmentation?

    Breast augmentation surgery is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing the volume and size of a woman's breasts. General anesthesia is usually used during the procedure to keep the patient comfortable and pain-free. Depending on the type and scope of the procedure, the operation can usually last one to two hours.

    During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision in the skin, usually below the breast crease to minimize scarring, or around the nipple to better place the implant. It is also possible to choose a different access point under the arm. The surgeon can then place a silicone or saline implant or perform fat grafting to achieve the desired volume and shape. After placing the implant or grafted fat in the correct position, the surgeon closes the wound with stitches.

    After the operation, the patient is usually observed for several hours to ensure that she is awake from the anesthetic and that there are no complications. Most patients are able to go home the same day, but it is imperative to rest and relax for the first few days after surgery to ensure a successful recovery.

    It's also important to note that there are risks with any surgery, including infection, bleeding, and implant problems. To minimize these risks, it is important to select an experienced plastic surgeon and take all the precautions recommended by the surgeon to ensure a successful recovery.

    What to expect after breast augmentation

    After breast augmentation surgery, it's important to allow adequate recovery time and to follow the plastic surgeon's instructions closely to achieve the best results. Here are some things that typically happen after breast augmentation surgery:

    • Pain and Discomfort: It's normal to feel pain and discomfort after surgery, but your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to relieve these symptoms. Pain and swelling can last for days to weeks, depending on the type of surgery and individual factors.
    • Use of a support bra: After surgery, your surgeon will recommend a support bra to keep your breasts in their proper position and to help them heal. It is important that you wear your bra as recommended by your surgeon.
    • Avoiding physical stress: Especially in the first few weeks after the operation, it is important to avoid physical stress and strain. Heavy physical work or strenuous sport can delay or impair the healing process.
    • Follow-Up Appointments: The surgeon will schedule follow-up appointments to ensure the breasts are healing and developing properly. It is important to keep these appointments so that possible complications can be identified early.
    • Return to normal activities: Depending on the type of surgery and individual factors, it may take patients weeks to months to return to normal activities. The surgeon will provide instructions on when it is safe to resume various activities.

    It is important to note that every patient is different and recovery times will vary from person to person. It's also important to follow your surgeon's instructions and reach out to them with any questions or concerns during recovery.

    Benefits of breast augmentation

    Breast augmentation can have many benefits for women. Here are some of the most common benefits:

    • Boost Self-Confidence: Women who are unhappy with the appearance of their breasts may lack self-esteem or confidence. Breast augmentation can help improve self-esteem and confidence and give women a better body image.
    • More Clothing Options: Women who are unhappy with smaller breasts can have a hard time finding clothes that fit and flatter them. Breast augmentation can help clothes fit better and give women more wardrobe options.
    • Better proportions: If a woman's breasts are disproportionately small, breast augmentation can help make the woman's body look disproportionate. A more balanced body shape can help women feel more comfortable and confident.
    • Improve sex life: Women who are unhappy with the appearance of their breasts may feel uncomfortable or sexy during intercourse. Breast augmentation can help women feel more comfortable with their sexuality and improve their sex life.
    • Improved Physical Symmetry: Women with asymmetrical breasts can have trouble finding clothing that balances their bodies properly. Breast augmentation can help breasts look more symmetrical and women feel more balanced in their bodies.

    It is important to note that breast augmentation surgery is unique to each patient and results may vary. It's important to have realistic expectations and to consult with an experienced plastic surgeon to discuss all available options and potential risks.

    Breast Augmentation vs Breast Implants: What's the Difference?

    Breast augmentation and breast implants are two different concepts. Breast augmentation generally refers to increasing the volume and size of a woman's breasts. Breast implants, on the other hand, are a method of performing breast augmentation.

    Breast implants are medical devices that are placed in the breast to increase volume and size. There are two types of breast implants: silicone implants and saline implants. Both types of implants consist of a shell and a filling material, but differ in consistency and appearance.

    However, breast augmentation can also be achieved with autologous fat grafting, in which fat is taken from another part of the body (such as the abdomen or buttocks) and injected into the breasts. Implants are not used in this procedure.

    Another difference between breast augmentation and breast implants is the possible complications and risks. Although breast implants are safe and FDA approved, they can still cause complications such as capsular contracture, implant displacement or rupture, and infection. Fat grafts carry a lower risk of complications because the material comes from the patient's own body.

    It is important to consult an experienced plastic surgeon to choose the best breast augmentation option and to discuss any potential risks and complications.

    Breast augmentation and breastfeeding: what you should know

    Yes, women can usually breastfeed even after breast augmentation. Most breast augmentation procedures do not affect the breast or milk production because the implant or transplanted fat does not usually come into contact with the breast or milk ducts.

    However, in rare cases, nipple sensitivity may be temporarily or permanently reduced, which can make breastfeeding difficult. Complications such as capsular contracture or infections can also lead to problems with breastfeeding.

    It is important to discuss with your plastic surgeon whether the techniques used for breast augmentation will interfere with breastfeeding. If breastfeeding is an important factor for the patient, the surgeon may recommend specific techniques or implants to facilitate breastfeeding.

    Overall, it is important that women considering breast augmentation surgery and planning to breastfeed in the future discuss this with their plastic surgeon to minimize potential risks and complications.

    Is breast augmentation reversible? what you need to know

    In some cases, breast augmentation surgery is reversible, but this depends on the type of surgery and the circumstances. Here are some factors to consider:

    • Type of Procedure: The type of breast augmentation affects whether it is reversible. After a fat graft has been performed, it is often not possible to remove the transplanted fat from the breast and place it elsewhere on the body. Instead, silicone or saline implants can be removed.
    • Preoperative breast condition: If the breasts were in good condition before the surgery and only a small breast augmentation was performed, the breasts are more likely to return to their original shape after the implants are removed.
    • Time since surgery: The longer a woman has breast implants, the more difficult it will be to remove them as the breast tissue adapts to the implants. In some cases, complications such as capsular fibrosis may also occur, which can make it difficult to remove the implant.
    • Plastic Surgeon Technique: The technique and skill of the plastic surgeon can also affect the reversibility of breast augmentation. Experienced surgeons can use techniques that increase the likelihood of reversal.

    Overall, before deciding to have breast augmentation, it is important to seek advice from an experienced plastic surgeon and discuss all the risks and possible complications.

    Breast augmentation: how long is the recovery time?

    Recovery time for breast augmentation can vary depending on the type of surgery and individual factors. Here are some guidelines that generally apply to recovery time after breast augmentation:

    • Immediately after surgery: After surgery, the patient can spend several hours in the recovery room to recover from the anesthesia and make sure there are no complications. With outpatient surgery, patients can usually go home the same day.
    • The first few days: Pain and swelling may occur in the first few days after the operation, which can be relieved with painkillers. Patients often need to wear a support bra to keep the breasts in the right position and to aid healing. During this period it is important to rest and avoid physical exertion.
    • The first few weeks: In the first few weeks after surgery, patients should remain rested and relaxed to ensure a smooth recovery. It is important to avoid physical activity, especially strenuous exercise. Patients should also not lift or carry heavy objects and be careful not to accidentally injure the chest.
    • The first few months: Breast pain, swelling and tenderness may still occur for the first few months after surgery. Patients should continue to wear a support bra and avoid physical exertion to ensure proper breast healing. The surgeon will also schedule regular follow-up appointments to ensure the breast is healing properly and without complications.

    In general, it can take a few weeks to several months for a patient to fully recover from breast augmentation surgery. It is important to carefully follow all of your plastic surgeon's instructions to ensure a successful recovery and avoid possible complications.

    Breast augmentation complications: What you should know

    Like any surgery, breast augmentation has potential complications. Here are some of the most common complications:

    • Infections: Infection is one of the most common complications after breast augmentation surgery. Pain, swelling, redness, and fever may occur. In severe cases, infection can result in the implant having to be removed.
    • Capsular contracture: Capsular contracture is the body's response to the implant, causing the scar tissue around the implant to harden and become painful. In severe cases, the implant may need to be removed.
    • Implant displacement or fracture (fracture): Implants can dislocate or fracture, causing pain, deformity, or breast asymmetry. In these cases, further surgery is required to repair or remove the implant.
    • Changes in Nipple Sensitivity: Nipple sensitivity may change after surgery, including a temporary or permanent decrease or increase in sensitivity.
    • Scar issues: The appearance of breast augmentation scars can vary depending on the type of surgery. In some cases, excessive scars may remain, requiring further treatment.
    • Allergic Reactions: In rare cases, patients may have an allergic reaction to the implant or the anesthetic.

    It's important to speak with an experienced plastic surgeon, discuss possible risks and complications, and choose the best option for your unique needs.

    How to Choose the Perfect Breast Augmentation Size: Factors and Considerations

    Deciding on breast size for breast augmentation is an important step that depends on many factors. Here are some of the most important factors to consider when deciding on breast size:

    • Physical Characteristics: Height, weight, proportion and body shape should be considered when deciding on breast size. It is important that the breasts fit the patient's figure and create a balanced overall picture.
    • Previous breast size: Previous breast size and desired differences can also play a role in determining breast size.
    • Personal Preference: Patient preference is an important factor in determining breast size. Some women prefer a more natural size, while others prefer larger breasts.
    • Occupation and Lifestyle: A patient's occupation and lifestyle can also affect breast size. Women with active lifestyles or physical labor may prefer a smaller size to avoid complications or discomfort.
    • Health Issues: The patient's health and physical condition are also important factors in determining breast size. The surgeon considers the patient's general health and medical history to ensure safe and effective breast augmentation surgery.

    It is important to seek the opinion of an experienced plastic surgeon and consider all factors before deciding on a breast size. The surgeon can also explain sizing options and provide recommendations based on the patient's individual needs and desires.

    Turkeyana Clinic, Acıbadem Hospital and more: The top breast augmentation clinics in Turkey

    1. Anadolu Medical Center, Istanbul
    2. Acıbadem Hospital, Istanbul
    3. Memorial Health Group, Istanbul
    4. Estetik International, Istanbul
    5. Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul
    6. Group Florence Nightingale Hospitals, Istanbul
    7. Medical Park Hospitals Group, Istanbul
    8. Medicana International Istanbul, Istanbul
    9. Kolan International Hospital, Istanbul
    10. Turkeyana Clinic, Istanbul

    It is important to note that there are many other well-known clinics that perform breast augmentation surgeries in Turkey. It is advisable to research carefully and choose a clinic with experience and a good reputation. It is also important to seek advice from an experienced surgeon to get the best results.

    What you should know before breast augmentation: 10 frequently asked questions and answers

    1. What is breast augmentation?

      Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing the volume and size of a woman's breasts.

    2. How is a breast augmentation performed?

      Breast augmentation surgery can be performed through the placement of implants or through fat grafting techniques.

    3. How long does breast augmentation surgery take?

      The duration of the procedure depends on various factors and can last from 1 to 3 hours.

    4. Is a breast augmentation painful?

      Breast augmentation surgery can cause pain and discomfort, but this can be managed with pain medication and adequate recovery time.

    5. How long is the recovery time after breast augmentation?

      Recovery time varies depending on the surgery and individual medical condition, but most patients are able to return to normal activities within 1-2 weeks.

    6. Can I still breastfeed after breast augmentation?

      In most cases, women can continue breastfeeding after breast augmentation, but there are situations where breastfeeding can be affected.

    7. How long do breast implants last?

      Depending on the type and quality, breast implants can last 10 to 20 years.

    8. What are the risks of breast augmentation?

      Risks of breast augmentation include infection, bleeding, scarring, breast asymmetry, and implant failure.

    9. How much does a breast augmentation cost?

      The cost of breast augmentation depends on a variety of factors, including the clinic you choose, the location, and the amount of treatment.

    10. Are there alternative breast augmentation methods?

      Yes, there are alternative breast augmentation methods such as breast augmentation creams and specific exercises, but these are generally not as effective as breast augmentation surgery.

    Why breast augmentation in Turkey can be a good choice

    There are several benefits of breast augmentation in Turkey. Here are some key benefits:

    1. Cost Effectiveness: Breast augmentation surgeries in Turkey are much cheaper compared to western countries like USA or Europe. Costs can be reduced by up to 50% without compromising the quality of care.
    2. Experienced and qualified surgeons: Turkey has a long history in plastic surgery and is known for its experienced and qualified surgeons. Many surgeons have extensive training and experience in performing breast augmentations.
    3. Modern Clinics and Technologies: Turkey has modern medical facilities and advanced technology that enable surgeons to perform breast augmentation procedures at the highest level.
    4. Premium care and support: The medical care and support during and after the operation is of high quality and the patients are usually looked after by experienced and friendly staff.
    5. Cultural Attractions: Turkey also offers a wealth of cultural attractions and sights for patients to relax and unwind during their stay in Turkey.

    Overall, breast augmentation surgery in Turkey offers an affordable and high-quality option for patients who wish to undergo breast augmentation surgery. However, it is important to seek advice from an experienced surgeon and ensure all medical standards and safety guidelines are followed.

    Breast augmentation in Turkey: what do the clinics offer?

    Breast augmentation clinics in Turkey offer a wide range of services and support to their patients. Here are some of the main services and benefits that breast augmentation clinics in Turkey can offer:

    • Consultation: Clinics in Turkey often offer consultations with experienced plastic surgeons to help patients choose the option that best suits their individual needs.
    • Full Examination: Extensive examinations and tests are carried out before the operation to ensure that the patient is in good health and suitable for the operation.
    • State-of-the-Art Technology: Breast augmentation surgeries are usually performed in Turkish clinics with modern technology and equipment. Surgeons have access to the latest implants and techniques to ensure a successful procedure.
    • Experienced Surgeon: Clinics in Turkey have experienced and qualified surgeons who are specially trained in breast augmentation and have mastered various techniques.
    • Complete Aftercare: Clinics in Turkey provide comprehensive aftercare, including regular check-ups and rehabilitation support.
    • Personal support: Most clinics in Turkey also offer personal support, including interpreter services and support from experienced staff.
    • High Standards: Clinics in Turkey are known for maintaining high medical standards and ensuring all procedures are performed safely and efficiently.

    In general, clinics in Turkey offer a wide range of services and support to patients who wish to undergo breast augmentation surgery. However, it is important to seek the advice of an experienced plastic surgeon and ensure that all medical standards and safety guidelines are followed.

    Note: All information on our website is of a general nature and is for informational purposes only. They are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a qualified physician or healthcare professional. If you have a health condition or are unsure about which treatment is best for you, please be sure to seek the advice of a qualified doctor or healthcare professional. Do not use the information provided on our website to diagnose or treat on your own.

    These 10 travel gadgets should not be missing on your next trip to Türkiye

    1. With clothing bags: Organize your suitcase like never before!

    If you travel a lot and regularly travel with your suitcase, you probably know the chaos that sometimes accumulates in it, right? Before each departure there is a lot of tidying up so that everything fits in. But, you know what? There is a super practical travel gadget that will make your life easier: panniers or clothing bags. These come in a set and have different sizes, perfect for neatly storing your clothes, shoes and cosmetics. This means your suitcase will be ready for use again in no time, without you having to fiddle around for hours. That's brilliant, isn't it?

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    2. No more excess baggage: use digital luggage scales!

    A digital luggage scale is really awesome for anyone who travels a lot! At home you can perhaps use the normal scale to check whether your suitcase is not too heavy. But it's not always that easy when you're on the road. But with a digital luggage scale you are always on the safe side. It is so handy that you can even take it with you in your suitcase. So if you've done a bit of shopping on holiday and are worried that your suitcase is too heavy, don't stress! Simply get out the luggage scale, hang the suitcase on it, lift it and you'll know how much it weighs. Super practical, right?

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    3. Sleep like you're on clouds: the right neck pillow makes it possible!

    No matter whether you have long flights, train or car journeys ahead of you - getting enough sleep is a must. And so that you don't have to go without it when you're on the go, a neck pillow is an absolute must-have. The travel gadget presented here has a slim neck bar, which is intended to prevent neck pain compared to other inflatable pillows. In addition, a removable hood offers even more privacy and darkness while sleeping. So you can sleep relaxed and refreshed anywhere.

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    4. Sleep comfortably on the go: The perfect sleep mask makes it possible!

    In addition to the neck pillow, a high-quality sleeping mask should not be missing from any luggage. Because with the right product everything stays dark, whether on a plane, train or car. So you can relax and unwind a little on the way to your well-deserved vacation.

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    6. Enjoy the summer without annoying mosquito bites: the bite healer in focus!

    Tired of itchy mosquito bites on vacation? A stitch healer is the solution! It is part of the basic equipment, especially in areas where mosquitoes are numerous. An electronic stitch healer with a small ceramic plate heated to about 50 degrees is ideal. Simply hold it on the fresh mosquito bite for a few seconds and the heat pulse prevents the release of the itching-promoting histamine. At the same time, the mosquito saliva is neutralized by the heat. This means the mosquito bite stays itch-free and you can enjoy your vacation undisturbed.

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    7. Always dry on the go: The microfiber travel towel is the ideal companion!

    When you travel with hand luggage, every centimeter in your suitcase is important. A small towel can make all the difference and create space for more clothes. Microfiber towels are particularly practical: They are compact, light and dry quickly - perfect for showering or the beach. Some sets even include a large bath towel and a face towel for even more versatility.

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    8. Always well prepared: The first aid kit bag just in case!

    Nobody wants to get sick on vacation. That's why it's important to be well prepared. A first-aid kit with the most important medications should therefore not be missing from any suitcase. A first aid kit bag ensures that everything is safely stowed away and is always within easy reach. These bags come in different sizes depending on how many medications you want to take with you.

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    9. The ideal travel suitcase for unforgettable adventures on the go!

    A perfect travel suitcase is more than just a container for your things - it is your faithful companion on all your adventures. It should not only be robust and hard-wearing, but also practical and functional. With plenty of storage space and clever organization options, it helps you keep everything organized, whether you're heading into the city for a weekend or on a long vacation to the other side of the world.

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    10. The ideal smartphone tripod: Perfect for solo travelers!

    A smartphone tripod is the perfect companion for solo travelers who want to take photos and videos of themselves without having to constantly ask for someone else. With a sturdy tripod, you can safely place your smartphone and take photos or videos from different angles to capture unforgettable moments.

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    Dental Implants in Turkey: Methods, Costs and Best Results at a Glance If you decide to have dental implants in Turkey, you will find that...
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    Top 10 Eyelid Lift Clinics in Turkey

    Eyelid lift clinics in Turkey: Expertise, state-of-the-art technology and world-class care Eyelid lift, also known as blepharoplasty, is an aesthetic procedure that improves the appearance of the eyelids...

    Comfort on the Bosphorus: The 10 best 4-star hotels in Üsküdar, Istanbul

    Istanbul, the fascinating metropolis on the Bosphorus, uniquely combines historical splendor with modern luxury. One of the most charming districts, combining both history and...

    Göbekli Tepe: insight into the prehistoric times of civilization

    Why should you visit Göbekli Tepe? Göbekli Tepe is a fascinating destination that delves into the deepest layers of human history. It is known as...

    Antalya Aquarium: Experience the underwater world

    Why should you visit Antalya Aquarium? The Antalya Aquarium is one of the largest aquariums in the world and offers an unparalleled underwater experience. Here you can...

    Istanbul at night: Discover the hottest clubs in the city

    Istanbul by Night: Discover the hottest clubs in the city that never sleeps Istanbul, a city that never sleeps, offers an impressive selection of nightclubs,...